Lowongan Kerja : First Resources

First Resources Group (FR Group) adalah grup perusahaan di bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit di Riau, Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Barat

Tanggal Posting / Posting Date : 1st of March 2019
sumber / source : Recruitment Officer at First Resources Ltd / ibu yekhonya

Hi! First Resources Ltd. open job vacancy for Palembang :

Posisi Kerja / Job Position : Field Assistant Trainees
Lokasi Kerja / Job Location : Kalimantan

Tata cara melamar / How to apply :
If you are interested, kindly send us your resume not later than Friday, 15 March 2019 by email to:
with Subject line : FAT_Palembang_Universitas

Kriteria bisa dilihat pada gambar berikut :

Posisi Kerja / Job Position : Field Assistant Trainees  Lokasi Kerja / Job Location : Kalimantan


Profil Perusahaan / Company Profile
sumber / source : http://www.first-resources.com
logo perusahaan
gambar : logo perusahaan

Company Details

Nama Perusahaan : First Resources Group (FR Group)
Founded : 1992, listed on the Singapore Exchange since 2007
Bidang usaha : perkebunan kelapa sawit / oil palm plantations

Bisnis / Business

1. Plantations & Palm Oil Mills
- lokasi / location : Riau, East and West Kalimantan provinces of Indonesia
- areal perkebunan / plantation area : more than 200,000 hectares of oil palm plantations
Laporan produksi tahun 2018 / annual report in 2018 :
- mills production : 823,679 tonnes of CPO (average CPO extraction rate of 22.9% and average PK extraction rate of 5.2%)
Aktifitas perkebunan / Plantation activity :
- cultivating oil palms
- harvesting the fresh fruit bunches (FFB)
- milling them into crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel (PK)
- refinery, fractionation, biodiesel and kernel crushing plants

2. Refinery & Processing
Processing plants located in : Riau province (Pelintung and sea-front IPC in Dumai)
Kapasitas proses per tahun / annual processing capacity : 850,000 tonnes

3. Produk / Products
Hasil produksi / Production outcomes :
- Refined, bleached and deodorized palm oil (RBDPO)
- RBDPO diproses lebih lanjut menjadi : minyak sayur (RBD palm olein / cooking oil) dan RBD palm stearin / RBDPO goes through the fractionation process where RBD palm olein (cooking oil) and RBD palm stearin are subsequently produced.
- Biodiesel plant menyalurkan RBDPO untuk produksi palm based methyl ester (biodiesel) / Biodiesel plant channel the RBDPO to produce palm based methyl ester also known as biodiesel.
- Produk sampingan dari produksi CPO yaitu palm kernel (PK), diproses pada kernel crushing untuk menghasilkan crude palm kernel oil dan palm kernel expeller / palm kernel (PK), a by-product from CPO production, is crushed in our kernel crushing plant to produce crude palm kernel oil and palm kernel expeller. 
- Produk sisa bisa digunakan untuk pakan ternak / The latter is used as animal feed.

Product : CPO, RBDPO, RBD Palm Olein, RBD Palm Stearin and PME

- berdasarkan : Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia (PORAM) standards quality and specifications

Sertifikasi / Certification
- certified under : International Sustainable Carbon Certification (ISCC)

domestic and international markets, supplying to :
- palm oil refiners
- trader
- broker
- fast-moving consumer good companies

Alamat Kantor / Office Location

8 Temasek Boulevard
#36-02 Suntec Tower Three
Singapore 038988
Kontak / Contact
Tel: +65 6602 0200
Fax: +65 6333 6711
Investor Relations : investor@first-resources.com

APL Tower - Central Park, 28th Floor
Podomoro City, Jl. Letjend S.Parman
Kav.28 Grogol-Petamburan,
Jakarta Barat 11470, Indonesia
Kontak / Contact
Tel: +62 21 2929 8888
Fax: +62 21 2929 8878

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