Lowongan Kerja - Job Vacancy : Asno Consulting
Friday, August 6, 2021
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Asno Consulting adalah perusahaan perekrutan, pelatihan dan kosultan manajemen
Asno Consulting is a recruitment, training and management consultant
Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2021
Loker 1 : 6 Agustus 2021
Posisi Kerja / Job Position :
Penempatan :
Kualifikasi :
- - Male
- - Bachelor Degree in Engineering, preferably in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering from a reputable university
- - At least 10 year experiences with 5 years in automotive industry, especially automotive electrical system and wiring harness.
- - Excellent in computer and engineering development application
- - Excellent communication skill
- - fluent in English both oral and written
- - Strong sense of responsibility and discipline.
- - Having a good personality, leadership and interpersonal skills
- - Excellent in problem solving skills
- - salary negotiation
Tata cara melamar :
Jika memiliki pengalaman yang sama dengan posisi diatas Kirim CV lengkap ke email :
Sumber info : akun linkedin Ibu Erna Siti Fauziah (HR RECRUITMENT STAFF at ASNO Consulting)
Lowongan Kerja Februari 2021
Loker 1
Vacancy open ASNO CONSULTING ( Selasa , 16 Februari 2021)
Posisi Kerja , Salary dan Kualifikasi :
1. Assistant Manager Legal
b. Salary 13 - 152. Factory manager / Senior manager
a. Lebih diutamkan handle PPIC , QC , dan stampingb. Salary maks 25
3. Supervisor Maintenance
a. Lebih diutamkan handle Machiningb. Salary 9 - 10
4. IT Specialist
a. Handle Android dan web programmerb. Salary maks 10
5. Assistant Manager Maintenance Japanese
a. Wajib bisa bahasa jepangb. Handle maintennace, salary maks 16
6. Supervisor HRD
a. Female , handle HRDb. Salary 7 - 8
7. Manager Accounting - yang mau di pindah ke semarang
8. Supervisor QC ( yang mempunyai setifikat X-ray
a. Lebih diutamkan handle payroll , Industrial relation , HSE )
Tata cara melamar :
Kirim CV lengkap ke email:
Sumber info : akun linkedin Ibu Afridar Mirza (Recruitment Consultant Asno Consulting)
Profil Perusahaan
Company Details
Sekilas mengenai Asno Consulting
Layanan / Service
Perekrutan / Recruitment (Executive Search and Development)Sistem seleksi pekerja di Asno adalah :
1. Seleksi aplikasi / Selection of the application File
2. Interview
3. Phsycological Test (Request and Needed)
4. The Filling / Shipping to the company
Kelebihan dari perusahaan yang bekerja sama dengan Asno / Company advantages in cooperating with Asno :
- Memperoleh tenaga kerja siap pakai dalam waktu singkat, sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan klien / Getting ready workforce in a short time according to the company request.
- Kedatangan tenaga kerja yang tepat waktu akan mencegah terganggunya jalannya perusahaan karena kekurangan pekerja / Incoming workers can be timed so that they will not interfere with the company's operations
Training Development Program
Berbagai training yang diselenggarakan Asno sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan, diantaranya adalah :- Leadership & Service Exellent
- Gemba Kaizen
- Effective Managerial skill
- Effective Shopfloor Leadership
- Horenso
- Leadership for leader ~ Supervisor
- Safety and Environment
- Undertanding & Implementing SMK3
- Emergency Respons
- Fire Safety and P2K3
- Forklift
- People Development
- Training Need Analysis
- Training for Trainers
- Delivering Succesfull Presentation
- Measuring Training Impact
- HR & GA Profesional
- How To Handle Difficult Employee
- Zero Defect Throught Poka Yoke
- Production Planning & Inventory Control
- Warehouse Management
Psikotest (Assesment Employee)
The Program includes :1. Selection Staff or Manager of the company include
- New employees (Package selection test)
- Employee old (Pack promotion test, psychological evaluation
2. Selection of the manager of employee of the company in order :
- Promotion
- Placement and Development
Training Work Institution
Asno juga memiliki Institusi training untuk pekerja / Training Work Institution yaitu : LPK BINAKARYA INDOTAMA, yang terletak di Karawang Regency.LPK ini didirikan untuk - upgrade skill untuk lulusan SMA / sederajat agar sesuai kebutuhan dunia Industri, guna memenuhi permintaan tenaga kerja untuk operator produksi yang sesuai dengan standar.
Salah satu aktifitas nya adalah : Program Magang di Industri / Industrial Apprenticeship Program.
Lokasi Kantor / Office Locations
ASNO Consulting
Branch Karawang
Ruko Dharmawangsa 1 No. 8
Blok C/N
Grand Taruma - Karawang
sumber / source :
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