Lowongan Kerja : SHES mining contractor
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
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PT Sukses Harmoni Energi Sejati (SHES) adalah kontraktor pertambangan dan penyedia alat berat (seperti Crane, Excavator, Bulldozer, Dump Truck, Grader, Compactor dan Drill Rig).
Tanggal Posting / Posting Date : 29 Januari 2019
sumber / source : HR Recruitment & Analysis / ibu Novi Alviliani
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sumber / source : HR Recruitment & Analysis / ibu Novi Alviliani
Walk In Interview pada 29 dan 30 Januari 2019
Posisi Kerja :
1. Driver Dump Truck
2. Mekanik
3. Operator Excavator
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Our Company established with the purpose and designation of import of heavy equipment category (such as Crane, Excavator, Bulldozer, Dump Truck, Grader, Compactor and Drill Rig). In the course of its business, PT Sukses Harmoni Energi Sejati strives to develop the business as a follow up / implementation of PT SHES.Heavy Equipment Spirit, which is to build "Good to Great Company“ , covering:
Mine ContractorSupported by Human Resource which is "the right person in the right responsible as team member" in their respective fields, and confidence to stand as winner in answer the trust given by the client, since early 2017, PT Sandin Heavy Equipment, supply various Production Support Tools and Services in construction and mining projects.
The supply activities of heavy equipment, spare parts and services in mining projects are useful to improve understanding and readiness of.
PT Sandin Heavy Equipment to enter the Mining sector as a Mining Contractor service provider.
Stepping with confidence, wholeheartedly maintaining the trust of partners, and applying the "Good Mining Practice", is a principle that is firmly embedded in the stakeholders of PT Sandin Heavy Equipment.
To become a reputable Indonesian World Class Transportation Management and Mining Contractor.
Become a trusted provider of mining contractor services through measurable, planned and effective performance
Running the company's by applying the principle of professionalism as optimal as possible
Improve the quality of internal human resources through training, motivation, modeling, and smart work.
Maintain good relationships with Client paralleled by completing unit procurement, after sales, and full maintenance unit services to mining contractors.
tulis kode posisi sebagai subjek email
Our Company established with the purpose and designation of import of heavy equipment category (such as Crane, Excavator, Bulldozer, Dump Truck, Grader, Compactor and Drill Rig). In the course of its business, PT Sukses Harmoni Energi Sejati strives to develop the business as a follow up / implementation of PT SHES.Heavy Equipment Spirit, which is to build "Good to Great Company“ , covering:
- Fleet Management System (FMS)
- Tire Management System (TMS)
- Backlog System and Material Management
- Units and Parts Support
Mine ContractorSupported by Human Resource which is "the right person in the right responsible as team member" in their respective fields, and confidence to stand as winner in answer the trust given by the client, since early 2017, PT Sandin Heavy Equipment, supply various Production Support Tools and Services in construction and mining projects.
The supply activities of heavy equipment, spare parts and services in mining projects are useful to improve understanding and readiness of.
PT Sandin Heavy Equipment to enter the Mining sector as a Mining Contractor service provider.
Stepping with confidence, wholeheartedly maintaining the trust of partners, and applying the "Good Mining Practice", is a principle that is firmly embedded in the stakeholders of PT Sandin Heavy Equipment.
Muara Enim
Site Tamiang Layang
Site Batuah Samarinda
To become a reputable Indonesian World Class Transportation Management and Mining Contractor.
Become a trusted provider of mining contractor services through measurable, planned and effective performance
Running the company's by applying the principle of professionalism as optimal as possible
Improve the quality of internal human resources through training, motivation, modeling, and smart work.
Maintain good relationships with Client paralleled by completing unit procurement, after sales, and full maintenance unit services to mining contractors.
Head Office
APL Office Tower Lantai 36 Unit T08
Jl. S. Parman Kav 28 Central Park
Jakarta Barat Indonesia
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